Home / Bạn Cần Biết / pc cheats Pc cheats 14/04/2022 Hunting for Sims 4 cheats khổng lồ help your plans out? Whether you"re planning a new challenge playthrough, want a miễn phí house to move your family into the perfect palace, or you"ve had an unexpected Sims demise & want khổng lồ resurrect them, we"re here to lớn assist! You"ll be không tính tiền to play with your Sim"s lives & forget any worries about annoying things lượt thích money or mortality.Bạn đang xem: Pc cheatsThis guide is up lớn date with cheats from all the Sims 4 expansions and stuff packs. With the newest Cottage Living expansion pack, we"ll teach you how to lớn unlock animal outfits và max out every one of your new countryside skills. Most of the expansions & packs for The Sims 4 have their own group of cheats for the jobs, deaths, and traits that are unique to that pack.We"ve reorganized this page so you can find complete tables for all the skills, careers, and traits you might want lớn cheat your Sims to max màn chơi in. You can Ctrl+F this page for the name of the expansion or pack you"re using to lớn find the cheats you need in each section.(Image credit: EA)Study our menu of Sims 4 cheats lớn learn some serious life hacks and kiểm tra out our danh mục of best Sims 4 expansions to figure out which DLCs are worth digging into.To enable Sims 4 cheats, press Ctrl + Shift + C while in game to xuất hiện the cheat console. Type your chosen cheat codes into the text field that opens & press enter.For cheats marked as "shift click," you"ll first need to type "testingCheats " into the cheat menu. With testing cheats on, you can unlock some new Shift-Click menu options on Sims, objects, or the ground.With testingCheats active, you"ll be able khổng lồ move Sims between families, fill up their needs và happiness bars, dirty or clean up objects, & teleport Sims anywhere you like, among a few others detailed below.Sims 4 Money cheat(Image credit: EA, The Sims Studio)Spending all your money on groceries and bills is too much lượt thích real life. Why make your Sims start at the bottom when it"s way more fun to start at the top? Enter any of these Sims 4 money cheat từ khoá into the cheat console to instantly gain stacks of cash.kaching: get 1,000 simoleonsrosebud: get 1,000 simoleons (for The Sims veterans who remember it)motherlode: get 50,000 simoleonsMoney <#>: change household simoleons lớn an exact numberFreeRealEstate : enter this in neighborhood or world view to lớn make all lots freehousehold.autopay_bills : Turn household bills on và off.Sims 4 UI cheatsSims 4 UI cheatsUse these handy UI cheats for The Sims 4 to lớn remove game elements from your view or add extra utilities:headlineeffects : Enables or disables headline effects lượt thích plumbobs and speech bubbleshovereffects : Disable hover effect when you mouseover a SimfullscreenToggle: Makes the game fullscreen/windowedfps : Display the fps on screenSims 4 build cheatsSims 4 build cheatsmodebb.moveobjects: the Sims 4 move objects cheat is a vital one for builders, which allows you khổng lồ ignore placement rules for objectsbb.showhiddenobjects: buy hidden objectsbb.enablefreebuild: build anywhere, even on locked lotsbb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: buy items locked by careersWith an object selected you can also press Shift + < or Shift + > lớn make an object smaller or larger.Sims 4 Live Cheats(Image credit: EA)Sims 4 Live Mode cheatsThings have a way of going entirely sideways in The Sims 4 when you thất bại track of time. Here are some cheats to lớn get you out of (or into, if that"s your thing) sticky situations:resetsim : Resets a stuck Simsims.give_satisfaction_points <#>: Gives a Sim an amount of satisfaction pointsfillmotive motive_: Fills the specified motive, valid for: Bladder, Energy, Fun, Hunger, Hygiene, Socialsims.fill_all_commodities: Fills the motives for all Sims in the householdaspirations.complete_current_milestone: Completes a Sim"s current aspiration goal & awards the matching pointsSims 4: Seasons cheatsYou can"t change the season at will after creating a new world, so you"ll have to use a cheat instead. Or, you know, live through each season in Live Mode but that would take way too long.Use seasons.set_season <#> lớn change it at will. Each season is represented by a number:Summer: 0Fall: 1Winter: 2Spring: 3You can also use seasons.advance_season to lớn go forward in time by just one season.Sims 4: Get Famous cheatsIf you want lớn climb the fame ladder, you can use the super simple famepoints <#> which will địa chỉ cửa hàng the number of fame points khổng lồ your currently selected Sim.Sims 4: Eco Lifystyle cheatsOne of the first things you might be compelled to vày with Eco Lifestyle cheats is change your neighborhood"s Eco Footprint. If you just can"t stand starting out with an industrial neighborhood, use eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state <#> with one of these numbers:0 - Green Eco Footprint1 - Neutral Eco Footprint2 - Industrial Eco FootprintSims 4 Batuu money cheatIf you want an unlimited supply of Galactic Credits, what you"ll need khổng lồ punch into the console.bucks.update_bucks_by_amount 512011000Note that the "1000" at the kết thúc is the amount of Galactic Credits that you"re giving your Sim. You can change that number to whatever, so go crazy with it.Sims 4 Batuu clothing cheatThe following clothing cheat will unlock the full catalog of Journey khổng lồ Batuu items, but know that you"ll have to lớn punch it in either in Create A Sim or the Dwelling in Batuu.cas.unlockbytag GP09Sims 4 decorator clothing cheatIf you"d lượt thích to unlock the clothing items that are gated behind career progress, usecas.unlockbytagGP10Sims 4 Shift+Click cheatsAfter typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on Sims và objects for the following effects:Cheat Need > Make Happy: Sets all your Sim"s motives khổng lồ full and mood khổng lồ HappyCheat Need > Enable/Disable Need Decay: Allows or stops Sims from Need changesReset Object: Works on Sims and objects to reset their statusAdd lớn Family: Adds a Sim not in your family to itModify in CAS: Modify the Sim in Create-a-Sim aside from name and inherited traitsMake Dirty/Clean: Use on an object to make it dirty or cleanTeleport Sim: Shift+Click on the ground khổng lồ teleport a Sim lớn that point Make head: Use on an object lớn stick it on vị trí cao nhất of your Sim"s neck lượt thích a horrible chimeraShift+Click cheats for Island LivingOn a lot with the "Volcanic Activity" trait, use volcanic_eruption lớn make lava bombs rain from the sky onto your lot.Shift+Click cheats for Discover UniversityAfter typing testingCheats true in the cheat console, Shift+Click on your Sims in Live Mode khổng lồ enroll in university immediately.Shift click on a Robotics Table lớn "Spawn Crafting Supplies" which will give you 50 of everything in the current Sim"s inventory.Eco Lifestyle Shift + Click CheatsEnact or Repeal Neighborhood kích hoạt Plans: Shift + Click on your Public Voting Board or Mailbox khổng lồ instantly enact or repeal a NAP.Get Influence: Shift + Click your Public Voting Board or Mailbox và choose "Give Sim Influence+15" to gain 15 Influence.Get Bits and Pieces: Shift + Click on your Sim, choose "Give Bucks" & choose Bits or Pieces to get 500 of either. You can also Shift + Click on your Fabrication Machines and choose "Give Bits and Pieces" khổng lồ get 50 of each.(Image credit: Rockstar Games)Fallout 4 cheats: Nuclear codesMinecraft commands: UnblockedRDR2 cheats: Most wantedGTA 5 cheats: Phone it inThe Sims 4 cheats: Life hacksArk cheats: Expedited evolutionSims 4 Batuu Shift+Click cheatsFree Batuu items: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, and then Give Batuu Items.Change your Sim"s faction reputation: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, then Batuu Reputation. This will let you mix your allegiance with the First Order & Resistance, but be aware that gaining positive rep in one means negative rep in the other.Change Faction world states: Shift+Click your Sim, choose Batuu Cheats, then Faction World StatesAdd Rey/Kylo Ren to your family: Shift+Click Kylo/Rey, choose địa chỉ cửa hàng to FamilyBe aware that you"ll obviously have to lớn find either character in Batuu to địa chỉ them to lớn the family, so make sure your Faction World State is set to lớn the right rank for either the First Order or Resistance.Cottage Living Shift+Click cheatsOn any animal: "Cheat relationship" & "Set max friendship"On any animal: "Get all Animal Clothes (Debug)" lớn unlock outfitsOn the ground: "Create animal" & spawn yourself a rabbit, chick, hen, or roosterOn the chicken coop or rabbit home: spawn a rabbit, chicken, or eggOn your fridge: "Animal treats" khổng lồ unlock animal treat recipesSims 4 relationship cheats(Image credit: EA)If your Sims have the same problem making friends that I have in real life, the cheat console code relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others will instantly introduce your Sim to lớn all their neighbors.For an even easier icebreaker, relationships.create_friends_for_sim will spawn a new Sim on the lot already already friends with yours.Xem thêm: Garena Kết Nối Lỗi Vui Lòng Thử Lại Garena Dành Cho Các Game ThủIf you need more specific friendship (and romance) control, use the following to add and subtract from relationships between two Sims:modifyrelationship 100 LTR_Friendship_MainSubstitute "Friendship" for "Romance" khổng lồ change thắm thiết relationship values. Positive values will increase a relationship, while using a negative value (ex: -100) will decrease it.Sims 4 death cheats(Image credit: EA)Kill and un-kill your simsTo save your Sims from death entirely, use death.toggle sims.add_buff Ghostly will turn your sim into a ghost for 4 in-game hours.In the Sims 4 Vampire expansion, you can kill your fanged sims with stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100. You can also turn a regular Sim into sun-killed vampire with traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun. For all your other deadly designs, use the following trait codes to turn your Sim into a ghost who has been died in the respective manner with the code:traits.equip_trait Game PackDeath TypeTrait CodeSeasonsOverheatedGhost_OverheatSeasonsFreezingGhost_FrozenSeasonsLightning strikeGhost_LightningJungle AdventurePoisonedPoisonParanormal StuffBecome a ghost summoned by Seancetrait_Ghost_SeanceTableParanormal StuffBecome Guidry the ghosttrait_GuidryParanormal StuffBecome Temperance the ghosttrait_HauntedHouse_TemperanceVampiresKilled by suntraits.equip_trait Vampire_SunKilling and un-killing your petstraits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge will turn your pet into a ghost if you are either an absolute quái thú or (spoiler alert) attempting an elaborate Sim version of John Wick. Khổng lồ get your pet"s ID (you monster), use sims.get_sim_id_by_name You should also be able khổng lồ resurrect your pets with traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge .Sims 4 skill cheats(Image credit: EA)If you want to max out your Sim"s skills or phối them to any particular skill cấp độ of your choosing, you can use this list of skill codes.Use stats.set_skill_level <#> khổng lồ set your Sim"s skill lớn any màn chơi you want. Substitute in the skill code và the skill màn chơi you want, which should look something like: "stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10"For your child Sims, substitute with Skill_Child_ all of which also max out at 10.Game PackSkillSkill CodeMax LevelBase GameCookingMajor_HomestyleCooking 10Base GameGourmet CookingMajor_GourmetCooking10Base GameBartendingMajor_Bartending 10Base GameCharismaMajor_Charisma10Base GameComedyMajor_Comedy10Base GameFishingMajor_Fishing 10Base GameFitnessSkill_Fitness 10Base GameGardeningMajor_Gardening10Base GameGuitarMajor_Guitar10Base GamePianoMajor_Piano 10Base GameViolinMajor_Violin 10Base GameHandinessMajor_Handiness10Base GameMischiefMajor_Mischief 10Base GamePaintingMajor_Painting 10Base GamePhotographyMajor_Photography 10Base GameProgrammingMajor_Programming10Base GameRocket ScienceMajor_RocketScience10Base GameVideo GamingMajor_VideoGaming10Base GameWritingMajor_Writing10Cats và DogsVeterinaryMajor_Vet10Cats & DogsPet Trainingskill_Dog5SeasonsFlower Arrangingstatistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging10SeasonsSkatingHidden_Skating5Get FamousActingMajor_Acting10Get FamousMedia ProductionMinor_Media5Discover UniversityRoboticsMajor_Robotics10Discover UniversityDebateMajor_ResearchDebate10Eco LifestyleFabricationAdultMajor_Fabrication10Eco LifestyleJuice FizzingAdultMinor_JuiceFizzing5Journey to BatuuLightsaber skillsSkill_Fitness10Snowy EscapeRock ClimbingMajor_RockClimbing10Snowy EscapeSkiingMajor_Skiing10Snowy EscapeSnowboardingMajor_Snowboarding10ParanormalMediumMinor_Medium5Cottage LivingCross stitchSkill_CrossStitch5(Image credit: Maxis)After your Sims are all skilled up, you can also give them không lấy phí promotions or add new careers.Use careers.add_career to showroom careers with their career code in the danh mục below.careers.promote và careers.remove work in the same way lớn get a promotion or remove your Sim"s job. You can also use careers.retire to quit your job and collect a weekly pension.Game PackCareerCareer CodeCats và DogsVeterinarianVetSeasonsBotanist/FLoristAdult_GardenerSeasonsScout (for teens)ScoutGet FamousActingActorGet FamousDrama club (for kids)DramaClubIsland LivingConservationConservationistIsland LivingDiverPartTime_DiverIsland LivingFishingPartTime_FishermanIsland LivingLifeguardingPartTime_LifeguardIsland LivingTeen LifeguardTeen_LifeguardDiscover UniversityTeacher/ProfessorEducationDiscover UniversityMechanical/Computer EngineerEngineeringDiscover UniversityJudge/Private AttorneyLawEco LifestyleCivil Designercareers_Adult_CivilDesignerEco LifestyleFreelance Makercareers_Adult_Freelancer_Agency_MakerParanormalBecome a Paranormal Investigatortrait_Freelancer_Career_ParanormalInvestigator_LicenseParanormalPromote your Paranormal InvestigatorParanormalinvestigatorDream home DecoratorInterior DecoratorInteriorDream trang chủ DecoratorInterior DecoratonDeco(Image credit: EA, The Sims Studio)You can pick certain traits for your Sims during the Create-A-Sim process that control some of their preferences, habits, & how they react lớn other Sims. One way to cheat your Sims into having certain traits, especially those in the base game, is khổng lồ use the Shift+Click cheats above to lớn edit them in the CAS (Create-A-Sim) menu.If you want more fine control, or your"re trying to showroom and remove other properties, here is your danh sách of traits from game packs & expansions that you may want lớn give your Sims. A Sim"s Lifestyles, which reflect the habits they"ve developed as you play them, are also added và removed as traits.After using the base cheat "testingCheats true" you can use the following cheats to showroom and remove all of the cheats on this các mục with their respective Trait code.traits.equip_trait traits.remove_trait Game PackTrait CodeTrait EffectCats & DogsAttractionRelationships with animals begin higherSeasonsStormchaserYour Sim loves terrifying weather!SeasonsWaterproofYour sim won"t get wet, even in the rainSeasonsIceManIceproof Sims are not negatively affected by coldSeasonsBurningManBurn proof Sims love the heatSeasonsHeatAcclimationSim is less affected by hot conditionsSeasonsColdAcclimationSim is less affected by cold conditionsSeasonsScoutingAptitudeEarn Scouting experience fasterSeasonsFatherWinterBabyYour Sim is...Santa"s baby?Get FamousWorldRenownedActorNever fail at an Acting actionGet FamousUnstoppableFameNever experience Fame decayIsland Livingtrait_BeachBum_LaidBackNever become TenseIsland Livingtrait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_ElementalIncrease the chất lượng of plants & summon volcanic bombsIsland Livingtrait_NaturalSpeakerGreat at enthusing other SimsIsland Livingtrait_FriendOfTheSeaBecome friends with dolphins và merpeople easierIsland Livingtrait_OccultMermaidBecome a merpersonIsland Livingtrait_OccultMermaid_MermaidFormToggle a mer tail on landEco Lifestyletrait_ChampionOfThePeopleGain Satisfaction when you gain InfluenceEco Lifestyletrait_EcoEngineerCreate Eco-Updates fasterEco Lifestyletrait_MasterMakerFabricate items at reduced costEco Lifestyletrait_Nature_InfluentialIndividualOther Sims will be more Influenced by this SimEco Lifestyletrait_eco_masterInspire other Sims khổng lồ become Eco-consciousEco Lifestyletrait_entrepreneurThese Sims like taking chaces on investmentsEco Lifestyletrait_FizzyheadBecome focused while using the juice FizzerEco Lifestyletrait_makerNPCInspire fabrication recipes for other SimsSnowy EscapeTrait_AdventurousSnowy EscapeTrait_Proper Snowy EscapeTrait_Excursion_Mountaineer_Rank<1/2/3> Snowy EscapeTrait_CorporateWorker_CharismaticCrooner Snowy EscapeTrait_CorporateWorker_LegendaryStaminaSnowy EscapeTrait_SurvivalInstinctSnowy EscapeTrait_WorldlyKnowledge Snowy EscapeTrait_TownMascot Snowy EscapeTrait_Hidden_RockClimbingGear_HasGearSnowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_AdrenalineSeekerSeeks thrills và avoids being boredSnowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_CloseKnitKeeps good friends longer but struggles with lower relationship levels.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_CoffeeFanaticExtra benefits from drinking coffee.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_EnergeticPrefers high-energy activities & careers.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_FrequentTravelerGets bored without travelling & increased skill gain while on vacation.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_HealthFoodNutBenefits from eating healthy, increased weight loss và fitness gain.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_HungryForLoveBenefits while in a relationship & prefers lãng mạn behaviors.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_IndoorsyBenefits from indoor activities and careers.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_JunkFoodDevourerLoves junk food and can add sugar or bacon to lớn meals.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_NetworkerPeople person who keeps low màn chơi friendhsips easily but struggles lớn keep good friends.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_NoNeedForRomanceBenefits while single & tense when in relationships.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_OutdoorsyBenefits from outdoor activities and careers.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_SedentaryPrefers low-energy activities và careers.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_TechieBenefits in tech careers, actions, và skills.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_TechnophobeAvoids using technology & benefits from Off The Grid lots.Snowy EscapeTrait_Lifestyles_WorkaholicPerforms better at work & is tense when unemployedCottage Livingtrait_Nature_CountryNature ConservationistCottage Livingtrait_AnimalEnthusiastAnimal EnthusiastCottage Livingtrait_LactoseIntolerantLactose IntolerantLauren started writing for PC bạn as a freelancer in 2017 while chasing the Dark Souls fashion police and accepted her role as Associate Editor và Chief Minecraft Liker in 2021. She originally started her career in game development và is still fascinated by how games tick in the modding và speedrunning scenes. She likes long books, longer RPGs, multiplayer cryptids, và can"t stop playing co-op crafting games.