Want khổng lồ use Photoshop without paying for a $10-month subscription? Let’s find out how to get Photoshop CS6 for free outright, as well as the secret dangers of cracked Ps versions, đánh giá the best không tính tiền Photoshop CS6 alternatives và download free Ps actions or overlays.

Bạn đang xem: Download photoshop cs6 miễn phí

Unfortunately, Adobe Company has completely refused to create the products of CS line-up recently. The only exception is CS2.

Today, it is impossible to tải về Photoshop CS 6 full version for miễn phí without breaking a law. The only way khổng lồ get the desired software which I can recommend is lớn buy a license version on eBay.

As a result, you will get an official program. Of course, it is not supported by developers but, anyway doesn"t have any bugs which you can come across in pirate versions.


Don’t jump to conclusions that there is no way khổng lồ get free, officially supported Photoshop version. I have prepared several useful tips on how to get không tính tiền Photoshop without compromising on important image editing functions.

Photoshop CS6 không tính tiền Benefits:

An extensive state-of-the-art toolkit Unmatched picture post-processing capabilities Copes well with the editing of various picture formats Simple rendering of business quality pictures Multi-purpose Capable of editing videos or animation layers Effortless transfer of files across different programs


What is Photoshop CS6?

This Photoshop version was released back in 2012 and was not part of the Creative Cloud. But it was part of the Creative Suite & could be purchased via a one-time payment without a subscription.

What distinguishes Photoshop CS6 from its earlier versions is almost identical similarity even with Photoshop 2022, with the exception of some modern features. Therefore, CS6 is suitable for use even in 2022.

Can I Use Photoshop CS6 Free?

At the moment, Adobe has completely stopped supporting the CS6 version, và it isn’t possible to download it from the official website. Don’t fall for the trick of sites that offer to download Photoshop CS6 cracks. Downloading such a program may lead to lớn numerous problems with your PC.

How Much Does Photoshop CS6 Cost?

You can still find Photoshop CS6 on Amazon và eBay. They are usually sold by people who purchased the boxed version of the program at the time of its release in 2012. Its price was about $720.

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Are There Discounts on Photoshop CS6?

Yes, but only for the latest version of Photoshop CC. You can get a 35% khổng lồ 60% discount on the Photography Plan or All Apps Plan subscription. I also suggest you pay attention lớn Photoshop student discounts, which will help you save 60% on all Adobe programs.


Photoshop CS6 Pirate Version

As I have mentioned earlier, there is no không lấy phí and legal Photoshop CS 6 at the moment. Photoshop portable isn’t an official software too.

But let"s imagine a situation that you have downloaded a pirate copy of the software from torrent resources and are reading this article. What are the consequences of such Adobe CS 6 download and what should you expect?

1. Start Looking for a Good Lawyer

Do you want lớn know what threatens you can face? The first thing is a warning from the provider. Further, most likely, your access khổng lồ the mạng internet will be blocked. Next, you will receive a letter about the trial. And as it often happens, you will be forced to lớn pay a $1,000 fine.

2. Ask Google for the Nearest Repair Center

Are you familiar with viruses? So, I must disappoint you that pirate software and viruses are inseparable. In other words, the probability of infecting your PC is higher than ever.

The answer is simple. When a hacker cracks the source code, he/she gets full access to lớn it, which means he/she can inject the virus into it.

3. You Have to Get Used khổng lồ Bugs

Earlier, I wrote that pirate software implies editing of the source code. As it often happens - hackers are not entirely attentive to details, which means there is a possibility of deleting the wrong element, và as a result, the program cannot perform necessary action.

4. There Are no Updates

If you have ever used illegal softwares, then you probably know that the main difference of the pirate version from the legal one is the lack of updates. The software you download will be permanently disconnected from the network, which means you will not receive any updates.

UPDATE FOR không tính phí

Free Photoshop CS6 Similar Versions

If you wish to use Photoshop CS6 miễn phí or its other versions without paying, there are several ways of how you can bởi it.